Go All In!

How do you know your full potential if you don’t go all in?

Weekly Update: 4/25-5/1

My wins for this past week and my hopes for the upcoming week.

Guide to Coping with Stress

My guide for coping with stress in a healthy way

Don’t Give Up Before You’ve Even Tried

I’ve realized I give up on myself and don’t try things that will challenge me. This is my reflection about how to change that thought pattern for good.

Think before you eat

When I began my journey to wellness my main goal was to control eating binges. I made the decision to talk to a therapist about the issue and learned a lot about myself. I learned that my binging began when I moved out on my own and had to take control of my life. IContinue reading “Think before you eat”

Vacation Nutrition Log – Intro

Follow along with my progress as I go visit my parents in Florida. Vacations are a difficult time to keep on track with fitness and nutrition. I am going to try my best to not indulge too much, but I am sure there will be times that I do, and that’s ok. I am hopingContinue reading “Vacation Nutrition Log – Intro”

Accidental Cheat Day

The last few days have been rough when it comes to having control of my eating. I had been doing so well. On Tuesday afternoon I had a little bit of weakness and had 2 treats instead of 1. On Wednesday I had an accidental cheat day and I was not happy with myself whenContinue reading “Accidental Cheat Day”

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